Spending months living and fighting with other men in a platoon causes a type of brotherhood to form. Tim O'Brien narrated his journey through his brotherhood that was created during the Vietnam War. They bonded over war stories, girlfriends, crude humor, and fear of the war. They carried each other whether it was emotionally, mentally, or physically. They loved each other like a brother, in fact they did consider each other as brothers united by war and the fear of death. When one of them died, a part of everyone died. They felt each others pain and tried to help bare it. The brotherhood of war is typically a lifelong bond, but for O'Brien his bond was ended after he was shot in the buttock. Angry with the medic for his lack of action, which caused him to get gangrene, he wanted revenge. O'Brien's pain from his injury was something that he wanted the medic to feel. It was then that he broke the bond of brotherhood by trying to hu...